Monday, February 16, 2009

The ScrapCity is Having a Contest!

Starting at 3pm CST today the 13th until Monday the 23rd at 12noon, I want you to earn as many points as you can.

Anyone can play (including Creative Teams).

Here is how you can earn your points, a lot of them you are already doing...why not get rewarded?
One Point for the following:
*Comment left in our gallery (more than one word, only 1 comment per creation counts)
*Comment left on our blog (more than one word, only 1 comment per blog post counts)
*Post on your own blog/forums about our upcoming crop (1 point for each)
*Post on your own blog/forums about this contest
*for every post on the forum on a existing thread
*for each upload in gallery
*for each comment left on a sponsors blog/site
*for each monthly challenge you complete
*for each crop challenge you complete

Two points for the following
*for each new thread started

Five points for the following:
*for every recruit (someone that isn't registered yet) you bring to the site and has has 10 posts by the end of the contest

This is all on the honor system. Please keep track of your points here. You can track them however you would like. Feel free to post your total in your siggy to if you would like.

Here's what you all will be playing for:
There is a ton of paper, over 100 6x6 sheets of paper, a ton of embellies along with a pack of corkboard to alter. I will also include gift card for $10 to either Target or Michaels (your choice). It's a great prize package!

The more participants...the better the prize will grow (Wendy will add even more goodies)! So, let's get going...invite your friends and let's get the board hopping.


wendy said...

Aww, aren't you the best? :) Thanks for posting! Game on!!

Calia Yang said...

great contest!!! love your creations!


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